Learn what affects the lifespan of your solar panels with Ridge Valley Exteriors. Knowing the life expectancy of your solar panels can help you determine the return of investment you can achieve by installing solar panels. You can do this by simply comparing their upfront cost with the number of years your panels can produce an adequate amount of energy to power your building. 

So, if you’re wondering how long your solar panels will last, the short answer is 20-25 years. However, the exact answer to this question can depend on several factors as well as the quality and consistency of their maintenance.

Let’s look at some of the factors that play a vital role in determining the overall lifespan of your solar panels

1. Age of your Solar Panels

If you’re wondering for how many years your solar panels will perform optimally and meet your energy requirements without any issues, the answer is approximately 25 years. However, with regular care and maintenance, they can last even more than 25 years. When they’re nearing the end of this lifespan of 25 years, they often cease to perform as efficiently as before. This is the time when you should consider a replacement. Another thing you should keep in mind is their quality. High-quality solar panels generally have a better longevity 

2. Weather Elements

Solar panels are constantly exposed to severe weather elements. And that can affect them in different ways. Let’s look.

  • Rain – Solar roofing panels should be installed at a steep angle to allow rainwater to drain off properly. Otherwise, the water can accumulate in the solar panels and may result in rust if not removed immediately.
  • Wind-While wind doesn’t directly affect the efficiency of your solar panels, stormy winds can cause strong vibrations in your solar panel system. When these solar panels keep vibrating for a prolonged period, their components can start loosening, leading to serious damage over time.
  • Heat – Excess heat can deteriorate the seals in and around the panels. Once the seals become weak and brittle due to heat, they may start allowing water to enter. If left unattended, the water can damage their functionality, and consequently, they cannot convert sunlight into electricity as efficiently. Another harmful effect of this constant exposure to sunlight is discoloration. This can also adversely affect their efficiency over time.
  • Snow – Snow and freezing temperatures can cause your solar panels to distort, crack, or warp. This will negatively impact the electricity generation capacity of your solar panels. 

3. Location

Your location has a significant influence on the longevity, performance, and effectiveness of your solar panels. For instance, if your area experiences extreme heat in summer and winters in your region are freezing cold, your solar panels may deteriorate faster than the panels installed in areas with nearly constant temperature throughout the year.

4. Maintenance 

To preserve the efficiency of your solar panels for the long term, it is crucial to regularly check and service your solar panel system. Regular maintenance of your solar panels with the help of experts can help extend their expected lifespan. A good maintenance schedule can also help you catch and fix minor problems early before it becomes too late. So, investing in affordable solar panel maintenance services can help you save some serious money in the long run.

How to Extend the Lifespan of Your Solar Panels?

The fact is that the most damage and deterioration of panels occur very gradually. For this reason, following a good maintenance schedule can help you detect and fix potential issues in time, preventing any further damage.

Keep Your Solar Panels Clean 

The efficiency of solar panels largely depends on how efficiently they can absorb sunlight. Dirt, dust, and debris like leaves, bird droppings, and pollen on the panels can hamper their ability to absorb sunlight and produce electricity. So, make sure to properly clean the panels at least once every year or even more frequently if possible.

Choose Trusted Professionals 

Secondly, to make sure that your panels keep performing optimally for years to come, hire experienced professionals to maintain your solar panel system. They keep an eye out for common issues and address them immediately. Professionals need to make sure to conduct the necessary repairs and replace any damaged components to get your solar panel system back on track right away.

In Conclusion

On average, most solar panels have a life expectancy of around 25 years. However, the other components of the system like the battery or inverter might not last as long. For more guidance, get in touch with the leading roofing experts at Ridge Valley Exteriors. Call us at 844-741-7663 in Kennesaw, GA, Raleigh, NC, Tampa, FL, and Marco Island, FL and get started with your FREE consultation today.